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Types of childbirth

Doctors try to take into account all the wishes of the pregnant woman. Now the woman can choose in what position to give birth, and whether the father will be present at the birth.

Childbirth is a process that naturally ends a pregnancy. And, despite the fact that humanity has existed for many millennia, the question “How to give birth?” still remains relevant. It was much easier in Soviet times. Everyone gave birth in the same way: in state maternity hospitals, in a prone position, under the supervision of obstetricians. Frightened women spent hours in the huge, often cold, delivery room, and between them the ever-dissatisfied doctors and nurses scurried busily between them.

Today the situation has improved markedly. Most maternity hospitals practice so-called soft labor. This is a natural delivery with minimal stress for the mother and baby. A woman has the opportunity (of course, not free of charge) to choose in advance a doctor and a midwife who will take care of her childbirth.

If you decide to give birth in a paid clinic, then you will be provided with more comfortable conditions: an individual delivery room with a minimum of medical paraphernalia, dim lights, soft soothing music. If you decide to give birth at home or in water, a specialist will come to you by agreement.

Doctors try to take into account all the wishes of the pregnant woman. Now the woman can choose in what position to give birth, and whether the father will be present at the birth.

Traditional back birth
Most Russian maternity hospitals practice traditional back delivery. However, it is not necessary to give birth in a horizontal position. Of course, this position is very convenient for doctors, but it is completely unnatural for the woman in labor herself. It is inconvenient and painful to give birth lying on your back – the uterus presses on the blood vessels along the spine, which disrupts normal blood flow. Labor is slowed down, which increases the likelihood of using stimulants and pain relievers, which, in turn, affect the baby’s health.

To break this vicious circle, you need to know that it is not necessary to lie in bed during childbirth. In the first stage of labor (that is, during labor), it is recommended to walk, squat, and stand. The second stage of labor, when attempts are made, and the child is born, can also be carried out in an upright position.

Vertical childbirth
Over the past two to three decades, more and more women in Europe and America have given birth on all fours or squatting. This is the so-called vertical birth. There are many options for vertical postures to make this process easier. Vertical labor means that the woman in labor is free to move, walk, stand or sit. A woman, as a rule, intuitively feels what position she should take, and, as a rule, it is this position that turns out to be most favorable for the birth of a child. The body itself tells you what movements it needs to get the baby out.

Childbirth with husband (joint childbirth)
A husband who is present at childbirth can provide a woman with psychological support so important in her position, help to transfer contractions (massage, etc.), and also call a doctor if something goes wrong. Being present at the birth of a child, a man becomes a full participant in the “sacrament”. Such husbands understand their wives better and are usually distinguished by caring, sincere interest in everything that concerns the child.

Home birth
According to the forecast of some experts, in the near future in Russia, as in many European countries, about half of the births will take place at home. Not everyone can give birth at home, but only absolutely healthy women. In such a situation, it is very important to take into account the course of pregnancy, the condition of the expectant mother and fetus, the presence of risk factors and the results of a medical examination. Of course, experienced and competent professionals should be present at home births.

Water birth
Water birth is quite widespread abroad and is used in Russia. Childbirth in water differs from traditional ones in that the woman in childbirth periodically immerses herself in a bath or pool with warm water. But the most important thing is that she must enter the water on attempts, when the child’s head begins to erupt, so that he goes out not into the air, but into the aquatic environment.

The meaning of birth in water is that the child enters an environment close to intrauterine (that is, to amniotic fluid), which ensures a smoother transition to new conditions of existence.

Water births are carried out only at the request of the woman in the absence of medical contraindications. Contraindications to this method of childbirth are: the need for surgical intervention (cesarean section), a narrow pelvis, the presence of chronic diseases, late toxicosis, breech presentation of the fetus, etc.

Cesarean section
Caesarean section is a surgical operation that is performed according to strict medical indications (for example, in case of a post-term pregnancy, a narrow pelvis, etc.). This type of childbirth is chosen not by a woman, but by a doctor.

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