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Prostate adenoma: myths and their exposure

40-50 years is the heyday of a man’s life. Behind the hormonal storms, a difficult career start and difficulties in a young family. On the contrary, now professional growth is in full swing, family problems have been resolved in one way or another, children have grown up a little, and health still allows everything or almost everything.

The heyday of a man’s life is 40-50 years. Behind the hormonal storms, a difficult career start and difficulties in a young family. Now professional growth is in full swing, family problems have been resolved in one way or another, the children have grown up a little, and health still allows everything, or almost everything.

And who in such a situation will be bothered by all sorts of little things, like a somewhat increased urge to go to the toilet or the need to strain a little while urinating? However, you should not ignore such changes in your body, because they can be the first symptoms of a serious disease – prostate adenoma.

Adenoma – what is it?
50% of men between the ages of 40 and 50 have a benign enlargement (hyperplasia) of the prostate gland (prostate), also known as prostate adenoma. By the age of 80, this problem has already overtaken 90% of the male population1.

The prostate is closely related to the processes of urination, erection, ejaculation and sperm transport. Adenoma of the prostate is a benign tumor inside the prostate that grows and gradually compresses the urethra, which leads to unpleasant symptoms such as 2,3:

increased urination;
frequent urge to urinate at night;
feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, the need to urinate in two steps, with an interval of 5-10 minutes;
the need for additional straining when urinating;
Urgent urination is a condition when the desire to urinate arises sharply and immediately is very pronounced (without a preliminary gradual increase, characteristic of the norm).
In this case, the symptoms develop on an increasing basis. A man may mistakenly think that he has chilled a little or began to drink a lot of water, and in the meantime, the adenoma will grow and lead to new troubles.

When the first symptoms appear, in no case should you postpone the visit to the doctor. Since the problem is very delicate, you can first familiarize yourself with information about the disease and prepare for a consultation with a doctor on specialized Internet resources, for example, on the portal about urination disorders.

Myths about adenoma
Despite its widespread prevalence, prostate adenoma is surrounded by a mass of myths, due to which men, instead of receiving the necessary therapy and professional medical care, turn to traditional medicine recipes, buy the first available means at the pharmacy and engage in ineffective self-medication, wasting precious time1,3. Let’s see what is still a myth and what is a fact.

Myth 1. Prostate adenoma is a natural aging of a man, it cannot be treated
This is not true. There is no need to endure the inconvenience and write yourself off prematurely. If you develop any symptoms that worsen your quality of life, you should see your doctor right away and find out the cause of the change. In addition, today expert resources appear on the Internet, where you can preliminarily obtain background information on a particular disease, including on urological problems.

Myth 2. Adenoma and sex are incompatible
Not true. Adenoma of the prostate does affect the ejaculation process and can make it difficult to get an erection, but the sex drive and the sensation of orgasm do not change at all. And in order for all the joys of sex to return in full, it is necessary to start with the correct treatment – in no case do it yourself, only a urologist will be able to choose the right treatment and the necessary medications3.

Myth 3. Prostate adenoma requires mandatory surgical treatment
It is not true. Modern medicine provides many opportunities for conservative treatment of adenoma (without surgery), the main thing is to take care of this problem in time, not to start the disease1,2. Consult your doctor to determine the appropriate treatment and the selection of effective drugs.

Myth 4. Adenoma of the prostate is a very common and well-studied pathology, which means that the medicine can also be advised by the pharmacist in the pharmacy.
Indeed, prostate adenoma is common and the therapy for this condition is well studied and thought out. But only a doctor can diagnose and choose an individual therapy.

If it is scary or embarrassing to go to the doctor, you can first ask a question to a medical specialist anonymously on a specialized resource, and then make an appointment with a doctor for an in-person appointment. Remember that an online consultation cannot replace an in-person examination by a doctor.

Myth 5. Prostate adenoma – this is just my problem, no one else concerns.
This is not true. Frequent night awakenings and the insomnia provoked by this, frequent urge to urinate, constant stress – all this does not in the best way affect the mood and behavior of a man. And everyone around suffers from this: from wife and parents to colleagues and subordinates1,3.

Take care of yourself and take responsibility for your own health. You do not need to endure or be ashamed of such diseases, and even more so you do not need to be afraid to see a doctor.

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