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Late ejaculation

Late ejaculation is rare. First of all, this may be related to age, since the older the man, the longer all stages of sexual intercourse become.

Late ejaculation, or delayed ejaculation, is a sexual dysfunction in which an erection occurs and is maintained, but ejaculation does not occur for a long time or does not occur at all, despite additional stimulation of the penis.

Late ejaculation is rare. First of all, this may be related to age, since the older the man, the longer all stages of sexual intercourse become.

Alcohol intake is a rather significant risk factor. At first, it acts excitingly, but then the spinal reflexes are inhibited, which can lead not only to a delay in ejaculation, but also to a complete lack of erection.

Ejaculation disorders can also be caused by drugs, for example, some drugs that control blood pressure, antidepressants, tranquilizers, etc.

In a number of diseases, there may also be a delay in ejaculation, for example, in diabetes mellitus.

And finally, the problem can be purely psychological – from the fear of penetration into the vagina and ending with the fear of ejaculation.

The main methods of treatment are psychological approaches aimed at reducing anxiety and teaching men how to control ejaculation.

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